Saturday, November 19, 2011

Life is a little patchy for me!

It all started in  November 2010 when Evelyn took me to the Quilt and Craft show in Brisbane.  That is what started me on my sewing addiction, what too shy to even think about quilting, seriously, quilting is way harder then making a basic dress or skirt!

Once (1) year later, we return to the 2011 Craft and Quilt Fair on one sunny Saturday morning, I had the pleasure of catching up with Rebecca A and meeting Rebecca S - together with Evelyn (after preparing with some breakfast at Poppy's Cafe at South Bank) we braved the hordes of, let's say enthusiastic mature ladies who knew what they were there for!

Ok, scene set, now I decided this was the place to purchase my simple quilt pre cut pack to try quilting for the first time! And so I found Drunkards Path.

So here is Drunkard's Path Pack, 11 pre cut half circles and 11 pre cut square with semi circle cut out of one side.

So before I can get started with sewing I had to arrange 
Them into patches, so please see step 2, matching the Squares!

I am now up to step three, sewing each of the set together, the first 4 or 5 were a little 'skew' but I am onto it now!

Watch this space for the third shot, all the sets sewn together and playing around with options on how to place them together!

Look at the pictures here....SO MANY OPTIONS!  I am addicted to this simple quilt patch of drunkards Path, next I am do a modern fresh 2 maybe 3 colour one.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A new handbag for me

I'm on a roll with these handbags... Here's one I designed and put together all by myself.

It was hard to get the camera to pick up the colours properly - they're a taupe outside, with a mustard-coloured lining.

It's nice and big to be used as an every-day handbag, with pockets on the inside for phone, makeup etc etc.

Me looking proud of myself - pls don't mind the daggy trakky pants

Hot Air Balloons Applique

Hot air balloons have been floating around in  my mind for a while...or maybe just hot air.

Anyway, I decided to bite the bullet. Here's progress so far, from concept to loads of itty bitty pieces I had to stitch on.

I used vliesofix and raw edge applique, free motion stitching for the water...

I love how this is turning out so far. And now to the balloons...

Birthday gifts for Abigail and Emily

I thought I'd try my hand at clothes-making, so Emily got this skirt for her birthday. It's sooo cute! I'd really like one, but I don't think 30 year olds can really rock yellow canaries and flowers 

Pleats and all

Green binding, and a little bow to top it off

Then for Abigail, a handbag, designed by Me!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fresh Cushions for the Lounge - Finished

I got inspired recently to update our cushions, partly because our old ones have coffee stains on them, but also because I'd like our colours to be a bit more grownup. I found the flowery fabric in Spotlight (would you believe! I never find anything useful in there!).

So, the flower cushions are made courtesy of me, with zipper even!
The spotty one I bought, but it's such a perfect match I couldn't pass it up

So pretty :)

A pretty gift for a little lady

I'm not going to post the final product yet, just in case it get's spotted before this little lady's birthday has arrived...

But here's a sneak-peak:

I've decided what I like most about sewing at the moment, is that you have an idea, and at the beginning your project looks like rubbish, but stick with it, and your end product ends up being something pretty spekky! (except that nasty mug rug)

Another clutch

Just because they're such satisfying projects - instant gratification :)
It's made from a William Morris-inspired fat quarter, and the lining a scrap from my mum's stash. That's a strip of velvet along the front, and a shiny brass button I got from my Nanna's no longer needed button stash.

Love, love, love! Definitely more of this on the way

And a cheeky little purse for my cash cards, made from felt and a bit of raw-edge applique.